NOTE TO SELF: When trying to occupy 4 yr old daughter whilst you look something up on the net, art & craft may seem the ideal project, but just remember to either make sure the lid to the glitter pot is tightly secure, or remove said pot completely.
My kids got some about four months ago and it looked like tinkerbell exploded in their bedroom :D . I'm still cleaning up random bits of glitter. (oh and it spreads to rest of the house). On the bright side dusting glitter adds glamour to a boring chore! LOL Good luck.
OMG! Have fun cleaning that up :) LOL! Kids are just too much...
Oh no...and LOL!!!
OH MY.. I know what you're going through LOL
My kids got some about four months ago and it looked like tinkerbell exploded in their bedroom :D . I'm still cleaning up random bits of glitter. (oh and it spreads to rest of the house). On the bright side dusting glitter adds glamour to a boring chore! LOL Good luck.
Oooh - that's messy! LOL
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