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Monday, May 28, 2007

Well the day didnt really go to plan.......

So it's been a pretty much s****y day, not going into too much detail. Didnt get many scrapping done, however Squeaky now has a husband!! Woo hoo!! Whilst the girls were playing, I watched the last Bams Unholy union (the wedding one) & created Mr Squeaky (pictures to follow). megan was very pleased, esp. when i 'married Mr & Mrs Squeaky a little bit later! So the kids were FINALLY to bed, & the house was tidied, pets fed, so on.....I sat down at the pc to print out some photos......well that was the plan!! Found this blog, ( & laughed so much I nearly spilt my wine (wouldnt have been the best end to my day I can tell you!!

So thank you Kayla Aimee, for making me laugh & making me look even more forward to marrying my 'Hubby'!!

Missing you J!! Love ya!!



Blogger Emine_Pala_Art said...

LOL yeah I read that blog entry of her bwahaha...

Accidents can happen ;)


10:39 PM  

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