In Desperate Need Of..........

Cleaning & organising!! Yes, this is my scrap space, a little alcove under the stairs (one day I WILL have my own studio................~* goes off into a daydream......*~) Anyhoo.. my little space is an absolute mess, definately not an inspiring place to work, so my task for the weekend will be making this into a tidy, organised place to create. It may take ALL weekend!! Esp. as I need to fit in family time, a shoe shopping trip with Megan (Im soooo looking forward to this esp. as she asked if it can just be 'Mummy & Megan'! ) So I'm posting this picture in the hope that it will inspire (oh who am I kidding? Shame me! ) into sorting it out.
Haven't blogged for a while, lots of family stuff going on, job hunting etc. Hopefully things will begin to slow down so I can get back to scrapping. Trying to get prepared for the summer & find lots of stuff for the girls to do. Had a great fathers Day, Hubby was very impressed with the mini book I made him even though I wasn't happy with it & LOVED the cardboard crocodile that Megan made for him. We went to visit my parents, was great to see them esp. my Dad who has been in & out of hospital lately. Made him a mini book as well, but was very happy with how that turned out, will post some pictures soon.
Well, thats it for now, will post more over the weekend, hopefully with pics of my inspiring amazing little space!!
when you have had a clear out fancy coming round to mine teehee
Doesnt look tooooooooo bad to me Lisa ! Good luck getting it tidier though .
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