What once was a plain mirror from IKEA.........

......is now a funky mirror for Keelys room!! This was inspired by Adrienne Looman (http://acolorfulhouse.typepad.com/a_house_of_color/2007/05/finally_nsd.html) But not as cool as hers, as it is destined for a 3 year olds room!! Not that im saying Keely isnt cool, as she is, but you get what i mean!! Anyway, I have 4 more of these mirrors, so will do 1 for Megans room, then the last 3 are for me!! Mwhaaa ha ha!! (EVIL LAUGH!!)

Well, today was actually quite successful, scrapping wise, made a tag book for J & did a LO for the weekly challenge on UKS. Will post those pics tommorrow. Kids are in bed, fast asleep, house is clean (ish!), so I think the sofa & tv are calling my name!!
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