Feeling YUCKY!!.....& Im covered in pink glitter!!
Woke up this morning feeling absolutely yucky, think Ive got another blooming cold coming! My head feels like someone is playing basketball with it, throat is sore & I just want to go back to bed!!
But, then Mr Postie arrived with 2 packages of goodies addressed to lil ol me!! Yippee!! The 1st parcel was a birthday present from my wonderful teammate Anita, it was the large tag die for my Big Shot, perfect for making tag books, cant wait to give it a go!!
The 2nd parcel was from Scrappyfairy, I used my birthday money to treat myself to some K&Co Twinkle Type letters in PINK!! They are absolutely lush & everything is now covered in pink glitter, but hey, if you were gonna be covered in something, pink glitter cant be a bad choice eh?? The lovely SarahJane also included some yummy purple blooms & funky brads, shes such a star!!

Managed to finish a LO today,not sure if Im pleased with it or not though!! Dunno about all of that empty space LOL!!

Used one of my fave photos, me & Megan, taken on my brthday, we were just mucking around making funny faces, etc. Absolutely LOVED this one, esp. after playing around with it in Photoshop, how did I manage to create such a perfect little girl?!?!

Anyway, the little Princess will be finishing school soon, so must get her sister ready & brave the freezing cold (cant wait till Im driving!!).
But, then Mr Postie arrived with 2 packages of goodies addressed to lil ol me!! Yippee!! The 1st parcel was a birthday present from my wonderful teammate Anita, it was the large tag die for my Big Shot, perfect for making tag books, cant wait to give it a go!!
The 2nd parcel was from Scrappyfairy, I used my birthday money to treat myself to some K&Co Twinkle Type letters in PINK!! They are absolutely lush & everything is now covered in pink glitter, but hey, if you were gonna be covered in something, pink glitter cant be a bad choice eh?? The lovely SarahJane also included some yummy purple blooms & funky brads, shes such a star!!

Managed to finish a LO today,not sure if Im pleased with it or not though!! Dunno about all of that empty space LOL!!

Used one of my fave photos, me & Megan, taken on my brthday, we were just mucking around making funny faces, etc. Absolutely LOVED this one, esp. after playing around with it in Photoshop, how did I manage to create such a perfect little girl?!?!

Anyway, the little Princess will be finishing school soon, so must get her sister ready & brave the freezing cold (cant wait till Im driving!!).
Glad I made you smile!
Lisa, hope your feeling better soon, sending you some chicken soup to help you get over it. mwahahahahahaa
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